Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Chinese Military Shovel WJQ-308 - Gotta Get One!

Stash this in the back of the car and you need never go without a tool that can level a bank, lop off branches, snip barbed wire, hack back rushes, serve as an oar, double as a saw, a hammer, a cleaver, grappling hook, pry, bottle opener, can opener, you name it and it does it. Would make a serviceable weed and snag rake too, no doubt. Only weighs two pounds but made of hardened steel. Has to be the best multi-purpose tool I have ever seen for those 101 unforeseen problems that crop up in a day's fishing but can't be solved, and for the long stay angler, indispensable.

Great video here, and set to the Silverado theme tune too!

Not cheap at around £50, but looks good to me!

Here's a review and spec


  1. They'll take over the world with that Jeff, must get the wife one for xmas...

  2. Blimey I nearly missed the shield bit, almost had me in tears!

  3. I want a camo one. It will be the worlds most expensive bottle opener.

  4. I'm well impressed with this multi function tool, was thinking of getting one, but then I realised that it does not have a tool for taking the stones out of horses hoofs, so i am going to stick with my swiss Army knife:)

  5. A cracking bit of kit and I love the video!

  6. should never dig on chino action slacks! made me laugh out loud on my own!!

  7. I reckon one of the funniest promotional videos ever made! If that's how the Chinese go to war, like it's the best game ever, then God help us if we ever cross them! But, it had to be said that this is on my wishlist. Proper boy's toy!

  8. Jeff, if you get one promise us that you'll post a video of you scaling something grappling hook stylee, pleeeeease!

  9. Jeff I have to say that is pretty impressive, I wonder if they have one in the range that makes a cup of tea! What will they think of next.
